Fred Miranda Photography Forum

I thought I would continue writing about some interesting photography forums that I’ve found. has a nice forum.

This is a general purpose forum. It has gear discussion, photo assignments, contests, and critiques.

Not all posts seem to get responses, yet it does seem to be a very active forum with very helpful members.

The main attraction for me there is the Alternative Gear & Lenses Forum I always can find something to sink my teeth into when considering alternative gear. There’s some great stuff there including using older Pentax or Minolta lenses on newer Canon bodies and things like that.

It also has Nikon and Canon SLR forums as well as one for pro digital photography.

The site includes a store, articles and essays, and software plug-ins for sale. I have not purchased anything from them, however. I’ve only gone there to read the forums.

It’s worth checking out.

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