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Pentax, the K-7, and what are they thinkin’

As someone who is always out checking out cameras and looking for cool old stuff especially on ebay or craigslist, I keep seeing people selling some nice Pentax film camera systems. Some of these people might have 3 or 4 lenses.

Often, I see someone say. “I’m selling this to go digital” or “This would be a great student camera”

Craziness, I say.

I know, I’ve been guilty of extolling the virtues of some new Nikon or Canon gear, but I can’t imagine people just dumping a perfectly good Pentax system to go digital. But then again, I like film and digital.

I wonder why people don’t take those lenses and use them on a new Pentax digital body if they want a digital body. Pentax has made some really nice glass. Why go spend all the money to switch systems?

Maybe some of them are going to digital point and shoot cameras. I don’t know.

The Pentax K-7 is a very capable camera. Check it out before you go dumping that nice old gear. You might like it.

K-7 Video Samples

K-7 Moving Picture Sample