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How to repair the shutter of a Lomography Diana F+ camera

Here is a good video showing the repair of the shutter mechanism of a Lomography Diana F+ camera for all of you lomography fans. So if your Diana camera isn’t working, this might be what you need.

His site is:

Check here for Diana, Holga and Lomography items.

Nice video showing how Canon makes its camera lenses

Here’s a pretty nice three-part video of how Canon makes its camera lenses. To me, this is required viewing no matter what brand camera you shoot or even if you’re just interested in the science of glass making. It shows Canon’s process of mixing and heating the raw materials to make glass, then the machining of the glass and assembling the lenses. I can understand why big glass is so expensive.

More Canon Lenses
More Canon EOS Lenses

How to Use Minolta Lenses on Canon EOS bodies

Here’s a site, that explains how to use those Minolta lenses that we horde on newer Canon digital bodies.

Unfortunately the site seems to be a little dated as far as the bodies they cover, but it does show the conversion necessary. This is really interesting stuff.

While I’m at it, there is also a flickr group devoted to this,

EOS bodies
Minolta Rokkor Lenses