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Video documentary about Garry Winogrand

Here’s a 2 part documentary by Bill Moyers about famous street photographer Garry Winogrand.

There is some good footage of Winogrand out on the streets taking photographs.

Oh well, heck, since you stuck with me this far, here’s another.

This is a video of Winogrand’s images.

Field Cameras of the United States: 1879-1930

Here is a fantastic resource if you would like to see pictures of Field Cameras of the United States: 1879-1930

There are pages devoted to: American Optical Company, The E. & H.T. Anthony Companies, The Blair Companies, Century Camera Co., The George Eastman Companies, G. Gennert, The Gundlach/Manhattan Companies, Rochester Optical Co., Scovill Mfg. Co., Seneca Camera Co., and miscellaneous other companies.

Be sure to look into each page because those companies owned several other smaller companies or had other names over time.

If you like old field cameras or even if you prefer all new view cameras, you owe it to yourself to check out this incredible resource.

My friend Sebastian Castillo on PBS

Congratulations to my friend and fellow photographer Sebastian Castillo for getting an interview on PBS and having one of his photographs chosen to be given away as a premium for a membership drive. It’s just the beginning.

If you know Sebastian’s work, you can guess which picture the PBS station chose to award.

RIP Sebastian. A good friend.