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Videos of Wet Plate Collodion Photography

I’m a film guy, but wet plate collodion photography is very interesting. Here are a a couple videos by Quinn Jacobson.

The Wet Plate Collodion Process

Making A Wet Plate Collodion Portrait

Here are more of his videos. Quinn Jacobson on YouTube. It looks like he’s producing a DVD about this. I might have to buy it. I have a great appreciation for anyone who keeps older processes alive in the face of expediency.

Wet Plate Collodion Photography on eBay

Nikon D5000

I was just asked about the Nikon D5000. So I promised I would put a link up here to some review videos.

The review videos are at

It looks like a pretty nice entry level camera. If you haven’t seen it, take the time to check out the LCD screen. It is more articulated than most. Cool feature.

The other thing I liked about this is that the aperture and shutter speed are shown on the screen in a way that would hopefully make learning them easier for a novice. Thumbs up for this.

D5000 Cameras on eBay

All Nikon Digital Cameras on eBay

Darkroom Portraits

Are you interested in building your first darkroom? Do you wonder what a real home darkroom looks like? Have you wondered if you can have a darkroom even if your space is small? Are you a digital photographer just mildly curious what all this old technology is about?

APUG has a forum topic that I visit often. It is the Darkroom Portraits discussion they’ve had. If you want to see pictures of darkrooms ranging from tiny, makeshift, bathroom based darkrooms through entry level up to darkrooms that are works of art themselves, this is where you need to go. You will be able to see how people layout and organize their darkrooms.

To see the pictures, be sure you register for APUG, the Analog Photography User Group. It is a very good photography resource. It is well worth your time to dig into photography there.

Darkroom Equipment on eBay