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Lighting for Still Photography and Video with Continuous Lights

I’m probably in the minority, but I still like shooting continuous lighting in my home studio for photography as well as video.

I have a few reasons.

1) I also shoot video. I use a mix of Mole-Richardson and LTM Pepper continuous lights. They give me beautiful light.

2) I don’t shoot photographs or video in long sessions so I don’t worry about heat build-up from the tungsten lights. Also, my space is large enough that heat dissipates easily.

3) Since I shoot video fairly actively and I’m lazy, I have a semi-permanent set and several lights up on Matthews light stands at all times. I love Matthews light stands.

4) It’s darn predictable even if a bit dim for still photography.

5) Did I mention that the light is beautiful? These have been used to create the best in movie and TV for years.

6) I don’t have to deal with much movement in my still photography.

7) I’m always prepared to interrogate someone. 😉

A few safety notes:

I don’t deal much with child photography, unpredictable people, or the general public so I am a little less concerned, but no less cautious, about someone getting burned. It is important that anyone you may have on your set understand that tungsten lights can cause serious burns.

I never leave my lights unattended once lit.

I don’t touch them without leather gloves once lit.

I sandbag the base.

I leave plenty of head-room between lights and ceiling.

They’re great instruments. Just be careful.

Michael Kenna – Web site, video, and a new book

I was in the mood to view Michael Kenna photographs this morning. That of course led to a couple good resources.

Obviously, his site,, is well worth visiting.

Here’s a video from youtube about him. I enjoy these and am very thankful that youtube exists.

He also just published a new photography/poetry book with Bianca Rossini called “Love in black and white”

Bastian’s Blog

My good friend, and reader, Sebastian Castillo has a new photography blog –mechageekzilla He even has his famous Cookie Monster photograph up on Jan 7.

I’m interested in seeing where he goes with this.

Some of his other images are available at his web site at

Yes, I just broke ranks and showed another digital photographer. I told you I’m not anti-digital. I just enjoy film.

I’m waiting for his pictures from his nice, shiny new Canon EOS 5D Mk II that he’s about to buy.