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Photography Site of the Day –

Today’s site is

It’s focus has primarily been pinhole photography. Don’t let that scare you if you’re more of a lens person, there’s plenty here to love including some first rate photography like this panoramic shot.

As you can tell, some of these people have very interesting formats for their cameras. There is an air of experimentation here that I love. Their interests may take them to using homemade cameras or simply adding to a conventional cameras with a lens board with a hole in them.

There is a very good forum dealing with, yep, pinhole photography, but also zone plate photography and Hand Crafted, Historic Process, and Non-Conventional Images.

If that weren’t enough, they have forums devoted to both black and white and color within pinhole and zone plate photography. So you don’t have to weed through those pesky color pictures. 😉 Actually, I do like color, too.

I think pinhole photography, in particular, has had two strikes against it for too long. Some people think it’s only for kids and those too poor to afford a real camera. That’s not true. It’s fantastic for anyone as a way to experiment, get an alternative view and unlimited depth of field. The other strike against it has been the lack of control that budding Ansel Adams types don’t have. Get over it. Have some fun and find some images. There is something to be said for serendipity.

Chances are, you’ll find out that pinhole photography is worth some of your attention, too.

Pinhole and Zone Plate on eBay

Using paper negatives

I was looking for some information about paper negatives and came across this test of pre-flashing the paper that I wanted to pass along.

Here is a resource on that shows in great detail how to establish the pre-flash required for a given paper.

To go along with it, here are some thought about paper negative permanence.

Enjoy it.

Youtube video of Elliott Erwitt

To stay in the theme of yesterday’s post, here is a video of Elliott Erwitt

Here’s his site at

I like the portfolio page.

You have to love his sense of humor. I know I do.