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Youtube videos about Ralph Gibson

Here’s a short video of Ralph Gibson.

Here’s another. This is rather nice.

Don’t forget to check out his site.

And while you’re there, drop by the boutique and check out his signature Leica MP. Buy an extra for me if you found this post useful. Wow, what a beautiful camera.

Photographer’s Rights in the USA

Photographers are under assault like never before.

Incredibly, in the United States of America, it is illegal in some areas to use a camera without a permit. Why?

  • People are paranoid about photographs providing targets that commonly available maps and satellite imagery, and direct observation don’t reveal. Clue: It’s the terrorists, not the Americans that are the problem.
  • Taxing authorities want every little dime they can get. Coming soon… tax on air.
  • Corporate buildings might end up in a photo and somehow dilute their brand. Get a grip.
  • Recently, a friend told me about his friend who had the opportunity to spend the night in jail for being a “professional” photographer (since he had a nice camera) and taking pictures in a park without a permit.

    Ridiculous and unacceptable. It’s amazing this occurs in the USA.

    Anyway, here is a guide to Legal Rights for Photographers.

    Legal Rights of Photographers

    The Photographer’s Right Original Version

    Please note that I am not a lawyer and am not providing any legal advice. I’m just passing along some articles that you might check out.

    It’s a shame in the United States of America that A) Our rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are compromised and B) We have to list disclaimers like this. Too many lawyers, too many special interests, too many tax collectors, and too many paranoid people.

    Two political parties totally out of touch with what America was, is, and should be.

    So much for the land of the free and the home of the brave.

    Photography Site of the Day –

    The Arnold Newman Archive has the expected, classic Newman photographs such as the Picasso, Stravinsky and Oppenheimer, but it also has some wonderful pictures of the man at work. That’s what I like to see – his interactions, the full environment, his lights. It even has a section showing the planning of some of his photographs with drawn layouts and plans for the lights needed for the shoot. There is also a section of stories about him including two entries by Greg Heisler. Great resource for Newman fans like me.