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Photography Site of the Day –

Here’s another site that everyone should know about,

There is a lot here. I am often reading the forums. One of these is the Leica and rangefinder forum.

Another is the large format forum.

Probably the most well-known aspect of the site is the photography gallery.

The Learning section has some great tutorial information.

One section that is perfect if you can’t think of self assignments is the monthly photo project in the community section. It gives a small project that you can do and post your results.

Photography Site of the Day – APUG.ORG

Today’s site of the day is an obvious pick.

This is a very good site for photographers who use analog media, film.

It has all kinds of forum topics that are available, from cameras, to film, to darkroom techniques to camera building. This is an incredible reference.

Simply put, there is so much at this site, that I would do it a disservice to call out many of the topics. For this one, you’ll just have to go thee

View Camera Movements Video Featuring a Chamonix 8×10

One of my co-workers asked me about view cameras and their movements. This is a pretty nice video showing the range of movements of the Chamonix 8×10. There is no narration and not all of these movements are available with all cameras, but its a good example.

Chamonix on eBay

All Large Format on eBay