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Photography Site of the Day –

Today’s site of the day is

This is another good resource site. It has articles that are often good step-by-step tutorials. Many are alternative process articles like
Getting Started In Wetplate Collodion Photography or this Lith Printing article.

Some are more basic how to articles such as this one on How to Develop Film.

It has Photographic Formulas for those with an interest in mixing their own darkroom chemicals.

Like the Massive Dev Chart at, this site also has Film Development Times.

A particularly nice resource page on this site is Alternative and Historical Process Links. Yep, more places I can go and spend hours.

It has travel photography articles such as A Spiritual Journey to West Bengal. I liked this one because I have several friends from India including one Bengali.

The content on this site is well worth checking out. That’s especially true if you are interested in old or alternative photographic processes.

George Eastman House and Edward Steichen’s Autochromes

Here is a short video showing some very rare Edward J. Steichen Autochromes of Charlotte Spaulding that were turned over to the George Eastman House. These are very cool.

Since I’m on the topic of George Eastman House, they also have some really good resources available.

One I like is the Collections Online. Here you can see photographs by such people as Mathew Brady and Alfred Stieglitz.

Another is their podcast. The video above was one of them.

There’s a lot of other information on the web site. Spend some time there.

Cool gift shop too. Now let’s see, do I get the Leica Christmas ornament or the Speed Graphic neck tie? Or both?

Now, I need a trip to New York so I can go check out their theater. For now, I’ll settle for the web site.

Photography Site of the Day – Jim Galli’s Web Site

OK, so this site doesn’t have a slick layout, but I really like the spirit of adventure of testing old lenses on large format cameras.

Jim Galli talks about lenses that he buys and sometimes restores. These might be large format lenses, portrait lenses, projection lenses, seemingly anything he can mount on a camera.

Some of his articles are comparison shots made with different lenses, some are just explorations of a single lens.

If this site can’t make you want to go try out new possibilities in old lenses, then I don’t know what will. It’s good stuff.

He has definitely given me the bug to seek out and try old glass. It looks fun.

Vintage Lenses on eBay