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Do you need film development data? Darkroom formulas?

Do you ever wonder how to determine the best development time, temperature and dilution for a particular developer and a particular film?

One of the best resources on the web for film development is the Massive Dev Chart at It will give you a basis for time and dilution for film and developer combinations. It is another must have resource for anyone doing his own film development.

Just go to the left of the screen and pick the film and developer of interest and the appropriate chart will display on your screen.

There are several other options to choose from as well. One is a printer friendly version and another is a version for handheld devices. How cool is that? Take your palm or handheld that runs java down to your darkroom and you’re all set.

If what you really need are darkroom formulas, they have those too. The Darkroom Formulas link will take you right to formulas for many developers

If that wasn’t enough, under the Product Information link on the home page, digitaltruth also has Data Sheets available for the photography products of several corporations. It’s a very convenient location to go and get this data.

Darkroom Equipment on eBay

Photography Site of the Day – LargeFormatPhotography.Info

Today’s site is There are plenty of resources here to learn how to operate a large format camera and develop large format film. Whether you are a beginner looking for articles to get you started or a very advanced photographer looking for more information or dialog with peers about techniques, there is something for you in this site.

Some of the articles are date stamped. It’s almost a shame because you might think some of the articles are too old. Remember, we’re talking large format cameras here. Most of the technology has been stable for a while.

If you are interested in how to take large format pictures or how to improve your skills as a large format photographer, you will find information on this site.

There is a very active large format photography forum. It’s worth going to and seeing some of the work the members have.
The community ranges from basic beginner to photographic artists and camera builders.

YouTube Video of Harry Callahan’s Work

I first became acquainted with Harry Callahan when I was in the Friends of Photography back in the 80’s.  I received their quarterly publication called Untitled. Untitled focused on one photographer for each edition. Untitled 36 was called Eleanor.  That issue’s pictures were of Harry Callahan’s wife, Eleanor.   Callahan’s photographic style was nothing like anything I had ever seen.  Maybe that’s why I latched onto it.  That and his obvious love of his wife, Eleanor, really pulled me in. That book is still one of those that I keep in my office for inspiration.

Here is a YouTube video of Harry Callahan showing some of his work.