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How to Afford a New Digital Camera

Do you look at the prices of digital cameras and cringe? I know I do. As much as I enjoy putting film through, I mean, saving pictures to memory cards, all these toys cost money and someone has to pay for that. Right?

Well, here’s an insightful article by Ken Rockwell about affording that gear and anything else in life. There are several gems in here that are so true.

How to Afford a New Digital Camera and Anything Else for that Matter

So if you have that urge for a new Canon EOS 5D Mark II or a Nikon D700, this article might get you thinking.

How to Focus a View Camera

This video on how to focus a large format camera by Thomas Christopher Moore gives a very good demonstration of focusing a large format camera on a plane. It shows a practical method of utilizing the Scheimpflug principle. You don’t have to understand the complicated math in the wikipedia article to understand the video.

Here is another resource – text based this time. has a good article that explains how to focus the view camera.

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Photography Site of the Day – Jon Grepstad

Jon Grepstad has several good resources available. He seems to be devoted mainly to pinhole and large format photography.

His large format page has a link to buy a book to build your own large format camera. He also has some other good large format resources there. Someday I’ll get around to buying the book. I am very intrigued, but for now I have a perfectly good Graflex Super Graphic 4×5 camera and little time build lately.

He has a pinhole photograpy section that has several resources such as a long article on the history of pinhole photography. The one thing I would like to see is larger images.

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