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Classic Camera of the Week – Graflex Super Graphic

I’m guilty of not using my Super Graphic enough. Nice camera, built like a tank, capable of very nice 4×5 work. And here it sits.

This digital age is supposed to give us more time for things, but here I sit at my computer with my Super Graphic at my side and I haven’t the time lately to use it.

When I first bought it, I had to repair the rotating back. Maybe an hour of my time for a lot of convenience. Simple repair on a simple camera. It’s no wonder that these were so prevalent in their day.

It’s about time to crack open the 4×5 film in my freezer and get back to work. It’s funny. Even though I don’t use this camera nearly enough and they seem absolutely impractical in this digital age, I find myself driven to go to ebay and buy more. I love my Graphic.

Super Grahic on eBay

All Large Format on eBay

Photographer and Humanitarian – James Nachtwey

James Nachtwey may be remembered ultimately by some simply as a war photographer but in a larger sense there has been no one finer to represent the human condition.

These videos are not just to show off Nachtwey’s work. They represent his wish to educate the world about new, deadly and very drug resistant forms of tuberculosis.

A short message from James Nachtwey:

Nachtwey’s video concerning tuberculosis. You can do your part to pass along this video at Watch it there or below:

This video is required viewing. It is James Nachtwey when he was awarded the TED prize. Not only does he speak about extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis (XDR-TB), he also gives a retrospective of some of the most poignant pictures of his 25 year career. Nachtwey’s Speech:

Nachtwey’s personal site is at

The extremely drug-resistant tuberculosis site is Please visit it.

Photography Site of the Day –

If you’re one of the five or so people on the web who haven’t managed to come across then I’m officially telling you about it. This blog has a very large and very vocal following and deservedly so.

It’s a “must read” blog if you are interested at all in off camera flash.  One of the highlights is Lighting 101, a series of articles that get the reader familiarized with the camera, flash, and flash synchronization methods such as PC cords and Pocket Wizards.

David Hobby, the owner of the site, also has the On Assignment section which shows how he approached making several photographs.

His techniques don’t rely on using very advanced auto-everything flash equipment. Rather, he tends to rely on manual flash with remote operation.

The site is very highly recommended.

Pocket Wizard on eBay

More strobist items for sale