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Photography Site of the Day –

This camera collector’s site,, is quite nice. It is run by a Frenchman named Michel.

He has a short, but hopefully growing, section of techniques that he is building such as this one on How to Change the Cover Glass of a Daguerreotype.

I thought the page of pictures of the packaging from glass plates was a very nice touch.

He also has a pictorial guide to Leica camera models. Short and sweet. I like it.

The forum looks interesting, but I need to work on my French skills.

The only difficulty I had was with viewing the photo albums. I use firefox. With it, his photo albums displayed poorly. The pictures became a continuous horizontal row of pictures that required a excessive scrolling. I pulled it up in internet explorer and the site displayed beautifully. All in all, it’s a nice site.

Daguerreotype on eBay

Leica i, ii, iii, iiic, iiif on eBay

Leica M2, M3, M4, M6, M7, MP on eBay

Charlie Rose Interview with Henri Cartier-Bresson

This video has an interview of the great Henri Cartier-Bresson by Charlie Rose. I love seeing interviews with the masters of photogrphay.

This interview is prefaced by a short discussion with Richard Avedon. Cartier-Bresson talks about some of his photographs, other great artists, his history and his influences.

Welcome to 365 Cameras

The focus of this site is to provide interesting resources for inexperienced and seasoned photographers to learn more of the craft and history of photography.  This site doesn’t exist solely to promote new technology or a given manufacturer.

The reader will learn how to use many photographic techniques over the time this is published.