Tag Archives: Leica

Sherrie Krauter Leica Repair Site

OK, well as a film photography guy, I’m a little paranoid about old cameras breaking and I’m more paranoid about who is going to fix these things in the future. It seems like with digital, you know it’s going to break or become obsolete so at this point, plan on replacing them periodically.

But with film, hopefully we can hang on to our cameras much longer. Some are timeless beauties. And hopefully, there will always be people around who know how to fix them correctly.

I am going to begin listing people on this site who do camera repair if I see that they have a good overall track record on the web.

So the first of these is Sherrie Krauter. I’ve seen her referred to many times as a reputable repair person and dealer of Leica Cameras.

Now about that Leica MP that I ***must*** have…

Leica i, ii, iii, iiic, iiif on eBay

Leica M2, M3, M4, M6, M7, MP on eBay

Youtube videos about Ralph Gibson

Here’s a short video of Ralph Gibson.

Here’s another. This is rather nice.

Don’t forget to check out his www.ralphgibson.com site.

And while you’re there, drop by the boutique and check out his signature Leica MP. Buy an extra for me if you found this post useful. Wow, what a beautiful camera.

Photography Site of the Day – photo.net

Here’s another site that everyone should know about, photo.net.

There is a lot here. I am often reading the forums. One of these is the Leica and rangefinder forum.

Another is the large format forum.

Probably the most well-known aspect of the site is the photography gallery.

The Learning section has some great tutorial information.

One section that is perfect if you can’t think of self assignments is the monthly photo project in the community section. It gives a small project that you can do and post your results.